Based on the comic "Inuki Kanako Queen's Collection" by Inuki Kanako. Bukida is disliked by all the students in his class because of his unpleasant face. However, he loves a girl named Matsuko and so he stalks her. Though Matsuko rejects him, Bukida fancies she likes him at heart. One day, Bukida is killed in a traffic accident. Matsuko feels relieved. But Bukida appeared to her as the living dead. Bukida says, "I love you forever, even though I am dead!".
Synonyms: My Dread is School!, School is Dreadful! Kanako Inuki Shout Collection, 犬木加奈子絶叫コレクション 学校がこわい!
Status: Finished Airing
Country: Japanese
Released: 1999
Season: OVA