An action comedy set in the solar system, about a row over Himawari, Shinnosuke's younger sister, between the Nohara family and aliens. Shinnosuke has a fight with Himawari, because she ate his crème caramel. Suddenly, two mysterious men appear and Shinnosuke signs an agreement to leave her with them. They abduct the Nohara family to the Planet Himawari by UFO. On the Planet Himawari, Sunday Goronesky the Great says Himawari needs to be the princess of the planet in order to save the Earth and the Planet Himawari from the fateful crisis.
Synonyms: 映画 クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ!オラと宇宙のプリンセス
Status: Finished Airing
Country: Japanese
Released: 2012
Season: Movie